Want to know what makes the AFWM Ltd team tick? Here we speak to Independent Financial Adviser James Currie, based at our Helston office.
What did you do before joining AFWM Ltd?
I initially joined AFWM Ltd during my year in industry while studying finance at Swansea University. At the time, I was still unsure of my future plans and thought a year working in finance would help me decide which direction to go in. During that year, I quickly decided that I wanted to become a financial adviser so I began taking the exams I needed to become qualified. Having passed four of the exams that year, I completed the remainder after finishing my degree and rejoined the company as a trainee adviser in the Helston office.
Explain your role at AFWM Ltd
In my first year, I began working as a Research Assistant, helping the Managing Director in his adviser role while also providing research for the investments to be used in our Dynamic Portfolio Service. I qualified as a financial adviser in September 2016 and now have a large client bank that I manage. My job is extremely varied but if I were to try and summarise it in a few sentences: Firstly, I meet with clients who are looking for financial advice. I find out what they are looking to achieve and then undertake the work to get them to where they want to be. I then help them on an ongoing basis to stay on track with their goals.
What do you like most about your job?
The challenge of sorting out problems for people and coming up with different ideas to improve their situation. I get my enjoyment from seeing people’s lives become easier based on the help I have given them. I like the financial side of the job but getting to know my clients and spending time finding out more about them is what I enjoy the most.
If you could do any other job for just one day, what would it be?
Definitely a film director. I have absolutely no idea how to do it but I am a big fan of movies and it would be very cool to be involved in creating a film from start to finish.
Favourite place to eat in the South West
Now this is a tricky question as I eat a lot. If I fancy a nice evening meal out somewhere, my go-to would be The Longstore in Truro. I highly recommend a visit there so you can sample their arancini balls – they are amazing! I am also a steak lover and my favourite place for one in Cornwall is The Ranch in Falmouth. Finally, for pure nostalgia reasons, I really enjoy a trip to my beloved Newlyn Meadery for their fish fries!
Best holiday
I got married in 2022 and we spent our honeymoon in Mauritius which was unbelievable. A true-once-in-a-lifetime holiday! We spent our time on the lovely beaches, sampling the local food and I even had room for a few Bramble cocktails. It was nice to get away somewhere hot after being grounded for a few years, due to the pandemic.
Best bit of advice you’ve ever been given
Set yourself difficult targets and reward yourself when you get there. I think that having a good life balance is very important.
Which three famous people, living or dead, would you like to invite to a dinner party?
Christopher Nolan would definitely be there, maker of probably 9 of my 10 favourite films. Arsène Wenger would be at the head of the table so he can tell me what it’s like to be the best football manager ever. And the final spot goes to David Blaine for a bit of entertainment between courses. I am sure all three would be delighted to have a party with me!