Actively caring for your retirement lifestyle
Next to your health, one of the most important life-long financial planning objectives is securing a comfortable retirement.
That is why we take our role in looking after people’s pensions so seriously, particularly in these volatile times. Our service standards ensure your pension plans are regularly reviewed, with the option to have your funds monitored on a daily basis, if you so wish.
When you are then ready to retire, we offer impartial advice across the whole of the market, as we are also constantly reviewing the most competitive pension vehicles. We recognise that choosing the right retirement option is complicated and full of potential pitfalls – not least taxation, now, and in the future. As a client of ours, we will guide you through this process year by year, as part of our ongoing service to you.
We offer advice on all retirement vehicles, including annuities and flexi-access drawdown, however retirement is not just about pensions. It is also about how you use other assets around you such as ISAs and property portfolios, as part of a co-ordinated approach to your planning, in order to both maximises potential returns and tax-efficiency. We can help you achieve this solution for not only yourself, but also your partner and children (as applicable) if that is a priority.
Building your retirement pot
If you are looking to build a retirement pension, then we offer advice on all pension solutions for both individuals and businesses. Again, a retirement pot is not just about pensions. We can give advice on building a property portfolio or alternatives to pensions such as ISAs, Venture Capital Trusts and Enterprise Investment Schemes.